Since finding out I was pregnant, many people have asked me if I'm still training. Yes, I'm still working out - though not at the level I used to, obviously!
While talking with my trainer about the pregnancy, I joked about how my trainer could use me as "Before & After" photos, if he used my pregnancy as a project to show his incredible training skills. This got us talking about my blog and how useful it could be to have a "Fit Pregnancy" version of it. Of course, that was providing that I do keep with my healthy efforts for the duration of the pregnancy. (Not sure how successful I'll be with that, though I'm back to trying again after the holidays.)
The first trimester (especially the first week of knowing that I'm pregnant) was an eye-opener. Sure, I knew about morning sickness and feeling tired, but it's not the same as experiencing it! I haven't been vomiting (yet - I'm told it could still happen) but I did feel nauseated a fair amount of the time, have an increased appetite, have headaches a lot, and feel exhausted by the end of the day. I wasn't doing my cardio as often in part because of feeling so tired but also because my work schedule and the holidays had me so busy (and contributing to the tiredness I'm sure!).
Generally speaking, I do try to get a little bit of cardio in each week. This might just be one or two sessions and maybe only for 30-45 minutes, but I do want to keep moving. I try keep my heart rate below 140 (double-checked this with my doctor) though spurts above that are okay as long as they're not maintained for more than 15 minutes.
I've been able to continue with my weekly training sessions and plan to do so as long as my doctor is okay with it. I told my trainer almost right away after finding out so that we could modify my workouts as needed. I feel really comfortable continuing to train with him, as he's trained pregnant women before (including his wife). The main modifications to my routine have been a reduction in weights and an increased use of machines over free weights. At times, I get frustrated with myself over the lighter weights because they're still so hard to move and I'm exhausted by the end of my sets. Seriously, body, what are you doing to me? I know, you're sucking all my oxygen and energy to create a new life and all, but I didn't realize this would leave me feeling like a weakling at times!
I have felt pretty rough with some of my sessions but have made it through each one. I've only canceled one so far and that was because of abdominal pains - turned out it was muscles and ligaments stretching to make room for the little critter and I was back to exercising in the next few days.
Last night's session was probably the best that I'd had in a while. The weights didn't seem to be quite as low. I wasn't quite as out-of-breath at the end of my sets. And I was able to walk on the treadmill for 15+ minutes as well and not feel completely wiped out. I left the session feeling like I'd had a good workout and still had just a little more to give. Interesting to note that it was the first workout I'd had since officially crossing over into the second trimester. Hopefully that's a good sign of things to come!