Friday, January 14, 2011

Battle with the Scale

A scale is nothing more than a machine.  It determines the weight of an object.  It has no feelings.  It's not aware of who I am.  There is no personal agenda.  Then why does it feel like this scale is out to get me?  Why do I take it personally?  The number that the scale reveals to me each morning can feel like a pat on the back or a slap in the face.

I have no point of reference as to how accurate my scale is.  I do get the sense that it's not totally accurate, considering that I can step on the scale and get one number, use the bathroom, then get back on the scale and get a higher number.  I may be silly, but I thought that removing contents from my body would result in my weighing less (or at least the same).  The reading will also vary depending on where I position it on the bathroom floor.  I haven't got as far as to travel around the house looking for different scale readings, but I'm sure there would be a fair about of variability.

Weight fluctuates over the course of the day, sometimes as much as 5 pounds.  It can depend on amount of fluids I've had to drink over the course of the day - water doesn't contain any calories, but it does have mass.  Eating dinner later in the evening may lead to a higher weigh-in the next morning because it's still being digested.  More salt one day can lead to water retention.  Not drinking as many fluids can increase my appetite so I'll eat more, not to mention "slowing down" the processing of the foods (at least that's my perception).

My routine for weighing myself:
  • First thing in the morning, after using the bathroom
  • If I've got the time, I'll also re-weigh myself a little later in the morning (about 30 minutes), still before having anything to eat or drink.  I figure it's giving me a chance to fully wake-up and finish processing anything from the night (translation - another bathroom trip)
  • The scale stays in the same spot on the bathroom floor, because even moving it to a different spot on the floor can introduce inconsistencies
  • I don't wear anything, because different clothes have different weights
  • I try to position my feet in the same spots each time
  • I maintain good posture and look straight ahead while the scale is getting its reading
I don't try any tricks to bring down the number on the scale.  I don't exhale or suck my stomach in.  I don't stand on one foot.  I take the number for what it is - one (somewhat unreliable) measure of how successful my behaviors are at creating change.  If I get different numbers over the course of the morning, I will go with the lowest number.  But if that number is dramatically lower and can't be replicated, I'll discount it.  While there is a yearning to get the lowest number possible, I know I'll most likely be setting myself up for disappointment the next day when the number is probably going to be up again.  I want to get a realistic measure, not just the most desirable one.  Each morning, I record the number in a notebook, along with whether or not I exercised the day before and any notes about my eating (clean, dinner out, etc.).  This information goes into my arsenal of data for tracking overall trends.  If I were to graph my daily weigh-ins, there would be small peaks and valleys, but the line would still be headed in a downward direction.  That pattern is the important piece.

The human body is a complicated machine and its work can't be reduced to the measure of one variable.  I try to not read too much into each number that the scale gives me.  Instead, I look at the overall trend and see how it fits within the larger picture of my choices and my actions.  A number is just a number, it doesn't define me or the nature of my efforts.

(That doesn't mean I don't stick my tongue out at it some mornings!)

Food Log:

  • Breakfast
    • 4 egg whites and 2 eggs with salsa
  • Snack
    • Green beans with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray and spray dressing
    • Almonds
  • Dinner
    • 4oz chicken
    • Asparagus
    • Almonds
  • Snack
    • Generous tablespoon of peanut butter
  • Time: 65 minutes on the stair mill (2nd portion of Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking)
  • Level: 8
  • Calories: 650
Today's Weigh-In: 146.3

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