This week seemed to fly by and crawl along at the same time. Does that make any sense? I was mostly off-track, purely by choice. On some level, I gave myself permission because of "special events" and the likes. Then there was some emotional eating going on in there along with a case of the "fuck-its" (pardon my French). Here's the breakdown (and no, I didn't have a breakdown this week):
Exercise: Yeah, it didn't happen much. On Monday I was so sore that I could barely move! Sunday completely wrecked my legs with training to failure in the morning and wearing heels to the concert in the evening, so I "allowed" myself the day off (I don't think I could have worked out if I had wanted to). Tuesday had some cardio in there and it went pretty well. My legs loosened up nicely after the first few minutes and I got a good workout in there. Wednesday, I was at work from 9am until after 9pm, so there was no chance in there. Thursday was totally open for exercise, but I opted for a morning of baking (and eating) cookies instead. Friday was getting ready for the concert and wrapping up my baking. Saturday was a day of emotional and physical recovery, which I definitely needed. And today was back to the trainer. I had thought about canceling my session and sending my husband solo, but I knew that I'd just feel bad (physically and emotionally) if I did that. I thought about "restarting" tomorrow, but why put it off another day? Working out today wouldn't hurt me and could only help me regain my focus. I'm glad I got myself to go and got a good workout under my belt.
This week, I've got a lighter schedule at work and the motivation to get my butt in gear again. My aim is to exercise everyday except for Wednesday. I can do late-afternoon or evening workouts each day except Thursday, so I'll need to motivate myself that morning.
Food: I ate clean on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and today. Monday, I intentionally was off-plan during the day. I had minimal food on hand and opted for a date with my husband instead of grocery shopping. Thursday, I spent the morning baking cookies for the office (oatmeal chocolate chip and oatmeal butterscotch). I was feeling a little cranky, exacerbated by giving myself a nasty burn on my arm with the cookie sheet. So I pretty much said "screw it" and ate junk all day long. I did enjoy dinner out with my husband that evening (Red Robin's at 9:30, when most of the kids/families are gone). Hooray for my chocolate milkshake! Friday was a planned cheat day, and I'll admit that I did excessive cheating - in part because I could, in part because I was irritated/upset/angry and eating out of emotions. I knew what I was doing in the moment and honestly didn't care. There was no beating myself up over my food choices. There were no regrets. I make damn yummy cookies and cupcakes and I want to taste them. Hagen Daz and Red Robin make yummy milkshakes and sometimes I need to slurp one down.
I'm back to eating clean as of yesterday and my aim is to be on-plan for the week. There's nothing on the calendar that would signal a reason for my going off-plan. I have chicken, veggies, and rice all cooked in the fridge and ready to be portioned out. I'm re-thinking how "hardcore" I want to be with my eating plan, but more on that in the next couple of days. For now, I'll leave it at the general plan of keeping it clean this week.
Overall: "Meh" is probably the best way to describe the week. When I was on, I was definitely on. When I was off, I was off with style and flair. I must say that I was surprised (caught a little off-guard) by the emotional eating and the impact it had on me. I felt so totally wiped-out on Saturday after eating incredibly off-plan Thursday and Friday and then sleeping miserably Friday night. This tied into my wanting to re-think my level of intensity and consistency. I'm not throwing in the towel, quitting, or giving up on my efforts - I just want to make sure that my efforts are working for me and taking me where I want to go.
Food Log:
- Meal 1:
- 3 egg whites
- 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Meal 2:
- 3oz chicken
- 1/2c cooked rice
- Meal 3:
- 2% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
- Meal 4:
- 3 oz chicken
- Peppers and onions
- 1/2c cooked rice
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Meal 5:
- 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
Weigh-In: Haven't weighed-in for a couple of days because I wanted to give my body a chance to get over this slump. Will get back to the scale shortly....
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