Sunday, May 22, 2011

2011 - Week 20 In Review

This week I've just been one hot mess, to steal the phrase from someone I know.  I can't blame it on Monday, but I think it all started there and proceeded to go downhill.  As I'm fond of saying, I didn't just fall off the wagon, I jumped off and threw myself under the wheels.  But I'm not beating myself up over any of it.  It is what it is.  So here's what was:

Exercise:  What's that?  Okay, I exaggerate, but I didn't get much exercise in this week.  I felt wrecked on Monday and opted for the day off (after putting off exercise for most of the day).  I got a mid-day workout in on Tuesday and a morning workout on Wednesday.  Thursday was avoidance.  Friday was a migraine.  Saturday was supporting my husband at an all-day event.  And today was my regular weight-lifting session with the trainer.  I felt awful in today's session, in part because of how I had been eating (details below) but also because I just hadn't been moving this week.

So a look ahead to the next week:  Monday will have a cardio workout in it.  I'm not nearly as destroyed from lifting today and I'm in a better mood.  Tuesday will either have a morning workout or a mid-day workout.  I have 3.5 hours between appointments so may use that time to run over to the gym.  The deciding factor will be how caught-up I get on my remaining paperwork tomorrow.  Wednesday, I'm thinking I'll opt for a late-night workout while my husband's with the trainer.  I'm at work until 8pm, so the timing should go well with his 9pm session.  Thursday will probably be an off-day, as I'm spending the morning sitting on someone's dissertation committee which makes for a long day.  Friday will be an after-work workout, since I'm in the office 10-6.  Saturday, I haven't quite figured out when I'll doing my exercise but the day's totally up to me because my husband's gone from morning to evening.  Sunday will be the regular weight-lifting session, back to tandem with my husband since his weekend schedule will be returning to normal.  I think it'll be a good week for me, especially after giving myself an off week (unofficially).

Food: I was doing a great job until I bought myself two bags of Werther's Originals hard candies , two bags of Lifesavers mints, and a bag of sugar-free hard candies.  I just took to chomping away on them, like there was a sense of urgency or something.  Each time I walked by the bags on the kitchen counter, I'd take a handful of them (5+) and eat them right away.  Sucking on hard candies?  Savoring them?  What's that?  I didn't even eat two of my meals on Thursday because I ate so many of them!  Friday, I was determined to get back onto eating clean and I did just that.  I also got a migraine, so I didn't eat very much (skipped my first chicken meal after the yogurt made me feel like throwing-up).  Saturday, I had every intention of eating clean.  I packed all my food for the day in my lunch bag and hauled it (and all my fluids) up to Fairhill, MD.  I then proceeded to say "forget that" and eat anything and everything within reach.  It started with a lemon-poppy scone my sister-in-law offered me, then a deviled egg on the food table (better to eat it at the start of the day before it got too warm).  And then it just kept going.  I must admit I was my own worst enemy, as the foods I went for most were my own sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies.  I didn't eat my packed dinner because I was wary after it had been in the sun all day.  So I ate disappointing chicken tenders and macaroni and cheese at a local restaurant.  Today it was back on the wagon and I NEEDED IT!  I literally felt hung-over this morning, both from the long day in the sun and all the garbage I was putting in my stomach.  I set aside time this afternoon for food-prep and felt much better with being back on routine today.

This upcoming week, I think I'm good through Sunday.  No off activities, plenty of good food on hand, and a trip to the grocery store to restock where needed.  Sunday, a friend and I are going to a concert in Baltimore (NKOTBSB - laugh if you must) and I don't know what the timing is going to be like.  I don't generally eat at concerts (before or during).  I figure I'll eat before we drive to the venue and I'll have something in the car so I can eat on the way home.  There's a chance we may be hunting down a Waffle House that night, but I'll just be getting a Diet Coke if that's the case.

Overall: I wasn't on-plan but that's okay.  I kind of look at it as my body's way of telling me that it needed a break.  I was pretty strict with everything for three weeks and needed a cheat in there.  I just didn't plan for it to be such a shut-down with both exercise and food.  I was getting frustrated with how my weight seemed to plateau recently, despite my eating clean and exercising.  I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again - I'm not doing this to reach a particular weight or number on the scale, but it's still annoying when I'm doing everything "right" and there aren't any changes taking place.  I know that's not entirely true, as I did notice some changes in definition and looking more toned, but I wanted to see some changes on the scale too!  (*stomp, stomp, stomp*)  It'll be interesting to see what happens this next week in response to this eating.  Will my weight stagnate at the higher weight, will it go back to where it's been, or will this be a kick to drop lower?  I have no idea, but it'll be interesting to see.  Any which way, I'm happy with what I've been doing, how I'm feeling (except for that "hangover" this morning), and how my clothes are fitting.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Asparagus
    • 4oz sweet potato
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  1 hour total body workout with trainer
  • Calories:  Didn't wear heart rate monitor, so don't know

Weigh-In:  151.9 / 151.7  (Did I mention that I was eating those delicious cookies?)

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