Yes, I'm two days late with my weekly review. My excuse for Sunday is that I didn't really get home until about 3am. My excuse for Monday was that I was wrecked from Sunday. :)
Through Saturday, I had a really "on" week. I ate clean and got my exercising in. Sunday morning started out solid with a killer training session. (Note: Training legs to failure leaves you wrecked - not the best idea when you're then standing at a concert for 10 hours that afternoon/evening). Sunday at the concert was off-plan, as simple as that. I brought my food with me and chose to not eat it - a conscious, intentional choice on my part. I wasn't feeling bad or guilty about it. I was a little annoyed that the food I got wasn't all that good. Example: I only ate half my cheeseburger for lunch. Can you imagine me passing up the chance on a cheeseburger? Yeah, it has to be a poor burger. Boo!
Here's a photo of me with one of my friends from the concert on Sunday afternoon. (I'm the one in the blue top). I felt comfortable with my body and how I looked, even after having that disappointing cheeseburger. (I will give the disclaimer that this was a VERY padded bra-top, which helped me look more proportioned. My girls are not that prominent.)
Exercise: I know I took a day off in there, but I felt solid with my exercising. I'm thinking it makes more sense to aim for 4 days of cardio and consider a 5th day as bonus. Looking at the next (okay, current) week, I think it'll be 4 days again. Monday was a day off because I could barely walk let alone get any cardio done. I did get a solid hour on the elliptical today. Wednesday is out because of a 12-hour day. Thursday is a go. Friday will have to be in the morning, so I'll see if I get my act together for it. Saturday will depend on how I feel after Friday night, but I'll plan on it. Since it's not the day after strength training, I should be okay. Sunday will be with the trainer again.
Food: Sunday was an off day for me and I'm okay with that. I ate what was available around the arena for the concert. Afterwards, when I got home after midnight, I was CRAVING a chocolate milkshake. So I convinced my husband and our friend to head out to a 24-hour diner where they had NO MILKSHAKES! Grrrr! So I settled for chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and a dish of chocolate ice cream. Doesn't that make sense? My weight was up to about 149 and change on Monday morning, which makes sense given how much I was eating that day. If I had it to do over, I would have eaten somewhere else for lunch because of the disappointing burger and I would have researched the diner options better so that I would have had a better chance of getting that milkshake.
This week, with Monday behind me, I'm good through Friday. Friday is going to be an off day if I want. And then back on track with the weekend. My husband was home yesterday, we slept in quite late (which threw off our routine), and there was ZERO food in the house. I didn't want to go run errands by myself so I invited my husband to join me with the promise of having a nice lunch out together. That way I wouldn't have to wait to eat and I wouldn't have to do the food prep/clean-up either. So lunch at Don Pablo's was not clean and I didn't even try. That set the trend for the rest of the day. I didn't cook anything, but grazed on whatever I could find in the kitchen - peanut butter, cream fudge from my mother-in-law, some dark chocolate, and I'm not even sure what else I managed to find in there. Though I did have Greek yogurt for dinner, mostly because I wasn't hungry for anything more substantial after all the junk I packed away all afternoon and evening. Today was back on plan without difficulty and I plan to remain that way for Wednesday and Thursday. Friday starts with a going-away party for the two students at work, and I volunteered to bring cookies and cupcakes for that. I may have a cookie or two since I'm trying something new and want to see how they taste. Then, I'm going to another NKOTBSB concert that evening. I'm meeting with friends at a local restaurant/bar beforehand and then there's going to be some drinks and munchies at a pre-concert event we're all going to. There's then going to be at least an hour to kill before they take the stage (and I'm not interested in the opening acts), so I get the munchies then. I'm not going to hunt out food unnecessarily, but I don't want the hassle/waste of bringing my own food.
Overall: I wasn't on-plan by the end of the week, but I totally enjoyed myself, felt good about myself, and had fun with my friends. It's not about what I do to my body but what my body does for me. The priority here is that I'm living (and loving) my life!
Food Log (Tuesday - I don't remember all the stuff I ate on Sunday and Monday to log them):
- Meal 1:
- 3 egg whites
- 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Meal 2:
- 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
- Meal 3:
- 3 oz chicken
- Green beans
- 1/2c cooked rice
- Meal 4:
- 3 oz chicken
- Green beans
- 1/2c cooked rice
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Meal 5:
- 1 piece of fudge (as I was putting the rest in the cabinet - consider it a toll)
- 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Time: 60 minutes on elliptical
- Level: Level 1 for 1 minute; Level 4 for 58 minutes; Level 1 for 1 minute
- Distance: 5.25 miles
- Average Speed: 5.2 mph
- Calories: 650 calories
Weigh-In: 151.8 / 151.0
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