I had every plan of leaving work at 6pm and heading to the gym for some cardio before heading home. Yeah, that didn't happen. Here's what did happen:
It all started with the morning. I totally lost track of time and ended up rushing to leave for work. Consequence - my gym bag wasn't packed so I left without the gear I needed for a trip to the gym. I decided to exercise at home and had that as my mindset.
Then at the office, it continued. My last appointment was supposed to be 5-6, but it ran until about 6:20 because I wanted to give them their full time (late because of traffic). I then proceeded to take some time to send out an e-mail - now it's coming up at 6:45. Then a phone call - supposed to be a quick 5-minute call to schedule something for next week. Really? An hour later I was hanging up from what amounted to be a constructive, supportive, longer call and packing up for the night.
As I'm driving home, a monster of a storm blows through. Naturally, everyone puts on their hazard lights and slows to a crawl. This just aggravates me to no end. If you don't feel safe driving, PULL OVER! Apparently, in my state, the law allows a driver to turn on hazard lights whenever they perceive it is necessary to warn other vehicles of the presence of a traffic hazard. However, I feel like more often than not it's these people who are actually creating the hazard! Driving with your hazard lights on is generally a distraction to other drivers on the road. Grrr.... Okay, venting done, but this is one of my pet peeves about horrible driving practices. So I made it past all the crawling drivers in the torrential storm and got home about 30 minutes later (my commute is usually 20-25, so it was a little longer than usual but not dramatically so).
Getting in the door after 8:30, it's nice to actually see my husband. He's been in a week-long class and totally wrecked with the demanding hours of it. (He's asleep on the couch as I type, despite the Yankees game being on.) Rather than sequester myself in the basement and exercise (with some worries that the power might go out while I'm doing that), I opted to spend some time in the living room with him and perhaps engage in some conversation. *GASP!* I also had a load of laundry to throw on so that he'd have everything he'll need for the parade he's marching in tomorrow. So the elliptical remains untouched this evening.
I'm not blaming anyone else for my not getting onto the "hamster wheel" today. I created my own schedule, I allowed for things to take more time or attention. I know I struggle to enforce my priorities and set limits in my life. Generally, I find the balance between tending to others and caring for myself. It's just on a day-to-day basis where things can be thrown off a little.
Tomorrow, however, it will swing entirely in my direction. My husband's out of the house for his parade, and there's no telling how long he'll be gone for. I may run a few errands at some point, but only if I'm really motivated. Otherwise, I'll be having a "ME" day - exercising and scrapbooking. I may throw in a little bit of paperwork while watching a movie as well as a bit of laundry, but that won't dominate the day. The real challenge will be finding the limits between scrapbooking and exercising, as I can easily get absorbed by the crafty projects!
Food Log:
- Meal 1:
- 3 egg whites
- 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Meal 2:
- 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
- Meal 3:
- 3 oz chicken
- 4oz sweet potato
- Meal 4:
- 3 oz ground turkey
- Green beans
- 1/2c cooked rice
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Meal 5:
- 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt with cinnamon and vanilla (ran out of Splenda, not as yummy but still yummy - a motivator to get to the grocery store!)
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
Exercise: None (Dag-Nabit!)
Weigh-In: 146.2 / 145.8
Weigh-In: 146.2 / 145.8
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