Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Measuring Success

What is the definition of success?  How do we know if we're successful or not?  Society's message  seems to be that we're all winners.  Or at least that's how many interpret the message that comes with every child receiving a trophy at the end of the soccer season. 

I'm actually a fan of recognizing a person's efforts, but is that the same as winning?  No.  Winning simply means that you did better (or less bad) than others on a given day.  That's why a baseball season has 162 games and not just the playoffs.  There's a recognition that consistency and effort over the long-term are as important (or more important) than performance on a given day.  And that's what is really an integral part of being successful.  The emphasis is on the behaviors, not the ultimate outcome.  While the outcome is important, chances are it won't occur without the consistent behaviors and the efforts needed to implement them.

I want to give more thought to the elements that contribute to success, but my brain just can't work through it at the moment.  I hope I haven't lost too many braincells with my excessive nose-blowing!

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