Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2011 - Week 21 In Review (Belated!)

Yes, I'm two days late with my weekly review.  My excuse for Sunday is that I didn't really get home until about 3am.  My excuse for Monday was that I was wrecked from Sunday.  :)
Through Saturday, I had a really "on" week.  I ate clean and got my exercising in.  Sunday morning started out solid with a killer training session.  (Note: Training legs to failure leaves you wrecked - not the best idea when you're then standing at a concert for 10 hours that afternoon/evening).  Sunday at the concert was off-plan, as simple as that.  I brought my food with me and chose to not eat it - a conscious, intentional choice on my part.  I wasn't feeling bad or guilty about it.  I was a little annoyed that the food I got wasn't all that good.  Example: I only ate half my cheeseburger for lunch.  Can you imagine me passing up the chance on a cheeseburger?  Yeah, it has to be a poor burger.  Boo!

Here's a photo of me with one of my friends from the concert on Sunday afternoon. (I'm the one in the blue top).  I felt comfortable with my body and how I looked, even after having that disappointing cheeseburger.  (I will give the disclaimer that this was a VERY padded bra-top, which helped me look more proportioned.  My girls are not that prominent.)
Exercise:  I know I took a day off in there, but I felt solid with my exercising.  I'm thinking it makes more sense to aim for 4 days of cardio and consider a 5th day as bonus.  Looking at the next (okay, current) week, I think it'll be 4 days again.  Monday was a day off because I could barely walk let alone get any cardio done.  I did get a solid hour on the elliptical today.  Wednesday is out because of a 12-hour day.  Thursday is a go.  Friday will have to be in the morning, so I'll see if I get my act together for it.  Saturday will depend on how I feel after Friday night, but I'll plan on it.   Since it's not the day after strength training, I should be okay.  Sunday will be with the trainer again. 

Food:  Sunday was an off day for me
and I'm okay with that.  I ate what was available around the arena for the concert.  Afterwards, when I got home after midnight, I was CRAVING a chocolate milkshake.  So I convinced my husband and our friend to head out to a 24-hour diner where they had NO MILKSHAKES!  Grrrr!  So I settled for chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and a dish of chocolate ice cream.  Doesn't that make sense?  My weight was up to about 149 and change on Monday morning, which makes sense given how much I was eating that day.  If I had it to do over, I would have eaten somewhere else for lunch because of the disappointing burger and I would have researched the diner options better so that I would have had a better chance of getting that milkshake.

This week, with Monday behind me, I'm good through Friday.  Friday is going to be an off day if I want.  And then back on track with the weekend.  My husband was home yesterday, we slept in quite late (which threw off our routine), and there was ZERO food in the house.  I didn't want to go run errands by myself so I invited my husband to join me with the promise of having a nice lunch out together.  That way I wouldn't have to wait to eat and I wouldn't have to do the food prep/clean-up either.  So lunch at Don Pablo's was not clean and I didn't even try.  That set the trend for the rest of the day.  I didn't cook anything, but grazed on whatever I could find in the kitchen - peanut butter, cream fudge from my mother-in-law,
some dark chocolate, and I'm not even sure what else I managed to find in there.  Though I did have Greek yogurt for dinner, mostly because I wasn't hungry for anything more substantial after all the junk I packed away all afternoon and evening.  Today was back on plan without difficulty and I plan to remain that way for Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday starts with a going-away party for the two students at work, and I volunteered to bring cookies and cupcakes for that.  I may have a cookie or two since I'm trying something new and want to see how they taste.  Then, I'm going to another NKOTBSB concert that evening.  I'm meeting with friends at a local restaurant/bar beforehand and then there's going to be some drinks and munchies at a pre-concert event we're all going to.  There's then going to be at least an hour to kill before they take the stage (and I'm not interested in the opening acts), so I get the munchies then.  I'm not going to hunt out food unnecessarily, but I don't want the hassle/waste of bringing my own food.

Overall: I wasn't on-plan by the end of the week, but I totally enjoyed myself, felt good about myself, and had fun with my friends.  It's not about what I do to my body but what my body does for me.  The priority here is that I'm living (and loving) my life!

Food Log (Tuesday - I don't remember all the stuff I ate on Sunday and Monday to log them):
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 1 piece of fudge (as I was putting the rest in the cabinet - consider it a toll)
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  60 minutes on elliptical
  • Level:  Level 1 for 1 minute; Level 4 for 58 minutes; Level 1 for 1 minute
  • Distance:  5.25 miles
  • Average Speed:  5.2 mph
  • Calories:  650 calories

Weigh-In:  151.8 / 151.0

Monday, May 30, 2011


Yes, I've been MIA for the past couple of days.  I promise I'll be back tomorrow with a recap of last week, cheats and all.  (Hey, I'm honest!)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

One Day At A Time

I think I might overwhelm myself when I try to take in too much at a time.  Thinking about how I'm going to work to stay on plan next weekend really has nothing to do with my life today.  The more I think about it, the more likely I am to get distracted from what I'm trying to accomplish right now.  There is something to be said for planning ahead, but there's a difference between advance preparation and advance worrying/deliberating/anticipating.  It was important to think about the next few days to determine when I would go to the grocery store, but I separate that from the type of planning that gets to be overwhelming.  So here's to trying to keep things in perspective - I can only do so much in a given day, I can only handle so much at a time.  I guess it all comes back to my goal of "practicing patience" and allowing for things to happen when they will.

"Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice."

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogur
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  75+ minutes on the elliptical (lost track of time when jumped off to switch laundry)
  • Level:  Level 1 for 1 minute;  Level 3 for the remainder of the time
  • Calories:  825+
  • Average Speed:  4.9 mph
  • Distance:  6+ miles
Weigh-In:  145.8 / 145.5

Setting Limits

I had every plan of leaving work at 6pm and heading to the gym for some cardio before heading home.  Yeah, that didn't happen.  Here's what did happen:

It all started with the morning.  I totally lost track of time and ended up rushing to leave for work.  Consequence - my gym bag wasn't packed so I left without the gear I needed for a trip to the gym.  I decided to exercise at home and had that as my mindset.

Then at the office, it continued.  My last appointment was supposed to be 5-6, but it ran until about 6:20 because I wanted to give them their full time (late because of traffic).  I then proceeded to take some time to send out an e-mail - now it's coming up at 6:45.  Then a phone call - supposed to be a quick 5-minute call to schedule something for next week.  Really?  An hour later I was hanging up from what amounted to be a constructive, supportive, longer call and packing up for the night.

As I'm driving home, a monster of a storm blows through.  Naturally, everyone puts on their hazard lights and slows to a crawl.  This just aggravates me to no end.  If you don't feel safe driving, PULL OVER!  Apparently, in my state, the law allows a driver to turn on hazard lights whenever they perceive it is necessary to warn other vehicles of the presence of a traffic hazard.  However, I feel like more often than not it's these people who are actually creating the hazard!  Driving with your hazard lights on is generally a distraction to other drivers on the road.  Grrr....   Okay, venting done, but this is one of my pet peeves about horrible driving practices. So I made it past all the crawling drivers in the torrential storm and got home about 30 minutes later (my commute is usually 20-25, so it was a little longer than usual but not dramatically so).

Getting in the door after 8:30, it's nice to actually see my husband.  He's been in a week-long class and totally wrecked with the demanding hours of it.  (He's asleep on the couch as I type, despite the Yankees game being on.)  Rather than sequester myself in the basement and exercise (with some worries that the power might go out while I'm doing that), I opted to spend some time in the living room with him and perhaps engage in some conversation.  *GASP!*  I also had a load of laundry to throw on so that he'd have everything he'll need for the parade he's marching in tomorrow.  So the elliptical remains untouched this evening.

I'm not blaming anyone else for my not getting onto the "hamster wheel" today.  I created my own schedule, I allowed for things to take more time or attention.  I know I struggle to enforce my priorities and set limits in my life.  Generally, I find the balance between tending to others and caring for myself.  It's just on a day-to-day basis where things can be thrown off a little.  

Tomorrow, however, it will swing entirely in my direction.  My husband's out of the house for his parade, and there's no telling how long he'll be gone for.  I may run a few errands at some point, but only if I'm really motivated.  Otherwise, I'll be having a "ME" day - exercising and scrapbooking.  I may throw in a little bit of paperwork while watching a movie as well as a bit of laundry, but that won't dominate the day.  The real challenge will be finding the limits between scrapbooking and exercising, as I can easily get absorbed by the crafty projects!

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • 4oz sweet potato
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz ground turkey
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt with cinnamon and vanilla (ran out of Splenda, not as yummy but still yummy - a motivator to get to the grocery store!)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
Exercise:  None (Dag-Nabit!)
Weigh-In:  146.2 / 145.8

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm A Princess!

Yesterday, I got to the gym for some cardio while my husband lifted with the trainer.  I wrapped up at the same time they were ending, so we could leave the gym together.  (Closing down the place!  Yeah, Baby!)  As we were leaving, my trainer commented on how I was sweaty and it must have been a good cardio session.  I SWEAR he didn't read my post from Tuesday about how I sweat like a pig.  

After commenting on my excellent glistening, he noticed my t-shirt and asked what it meant:

What's a self-rescuing princess?  Think about the video games where the whole premise is to rescue the princess (Princess Peach in Mario Brothers is the most obvious).  Well I'm not waiting around for some plumber to rescue me!  I take care of business myself!  I'm a fairly strong and independent person and I think this is conveyed through my workout mentality.  I do things for myself.  I do the full set.  I push that little bit further.

I am SO not a girly-girl.  I refused to wear skirts until I was in high school, which made for a painful 3-5 grade where I had to wear a skirt for my school uniform.  Thankfully I could wear my gym shorts under the skirt and was allowed to hang my skirt on the chain-link fence during recess.  Nowadays, I'm a bit more feminine but I'm still not fussy.  I wear dresses and skirts - gotta flaunt those legs!  I wear makeup and (mostly) do my hair.  I splurge on pedicures and try to keep up with my manicures at home.  Basically, I try to take care of myself and do things that help me to feel good about myself.  Princess?  Maybe.  Spoiled?  Nah.  Bad Ass?  Only in pretend, though I do love the cap-sleeves on this princess t-shirt as they make my shoulders and biceps look diesel! 

My favorite workout shirt (that has gone to that great closet in the sky) was one from my parents that said "Whoever said the last man standing wins didn't ask a girl to play!"  Now, where's my tiara?

  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • 4oz sweet potato
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Peppers and onions
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
Food Log - THURSDAY:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 4oz sweet potato
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Peppers and onions
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
Exercise (WEDNESDAY):
  • Time:  65 minutes (30 minutes on stairmill, 35 minutes on treadmill)
  • Calories:  625+
Exercise (THURSDAY):  NONE (Planned)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Let's Sweat!

There's the saying "Pigs sweat, men perspire, women glisten."  I must be oinking, because I sweat like a pig!  Not everyone sweats, it's just a matter of each person's physiology, fluid intake, exertion, and who knows what else.  Today I did 80 minutes of cardio, split between the elliptical and the treadmill, and here's what my shirt looked like.  

And after:

Yes, it's a G.I.Joe t-shirt.  No, I didn't wipe my face on my shirt or spill my water down it.  This is all my hard-earned sweat.  So, when I say that I smell like a goat after working out, I'm not exaggerating.  Of course, I don't know exactly what a goat smells like, but I think it's safe to assume it's something like the way my shirt smells.

This visual also drives home the importance of staying hydrated when exercising.  My weight was down to 143lb, 14oz on the scale at the gym, and this was after I'd had breakfast and a good quantity of fluids before exercising.  It was all from loss of fluids while exercising - both through sweating and breathing - and I really don't consider it "weight loss" in any real way.  My body needs those liquids to keep running and to stay healthy.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 4oz sweet potato
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Peppers and onions
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% plain Chobani Greek Yogurt with cinnamon, vanilla, and Splenda added (YUM!)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  80 minutes (60 minutes on elliptical, 20 minutes on treadmill)
  • Calories:  850+
  • Distance:  7 miles (elliptical) 1 mile (treadmill)

Weigh-In:  146.0 / 145.8 (digestion continues!)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Keeping Perspective

Sometimes it's easy to lose perspective on what's going on around you.  It can take some unanticipated feedback to help clarify things and get your head on straight.

I didn't think I was all that sore from yesterday's workout, until my massage with Joey this evening.  While he was working on my legs, he paused and asked if it was too firm.  I explained that I was "tender" from my workout and that it wasn't hurting me but more pointing out which muscles I had been working.  (Turns out I used A LOT of muscles yesterday!)
I didn't think I was tired after the weekend.  Sure, I was really tired after Saturday, but thought I had recovered on Sunday (which I spent sitting on the couch and doing paperwork).  However, I slept in until 8am and then proceeded to fall asleep again until 10am.  I didn't even realize that my husband had left for work until I went downstairs and saw his car had gone.  Turns out he left before 8am and he didn't have the heart to disturb me to let me know he was leaving because, in his words, I was VERY asleep.

I didn't think the timing for my cardio mattered all that much, until I shifted my workout to the mid-day.  I have more energy than first thing in the morning (before I've had breakfast).  I'm less tired or wiped out than in the evening (when I'm more likely to get distracted by other things).  This afternoon I got my 60 minutes done, maintaining a quicker pace (~5.2mph) for the duration of the workout, and could have kept going longer if I didn't have a dentist appointment to get to.

I didn't think I was that tense or stressed, until my dentist commented on my teeth-grinding and suggested I get a mouth guard.  The funny thing is that I tend to clench and grind during the day (as opposed to at night like my husband does).  The dentist asked if I'd be able to wear the guard during the day - I said I'd try but that it could make for some interesting conversations with clients.  It did serve to emphasize the importance of my self-care and making the time to relax.  (Exercise and weight-lifting don't count as relaxing, even if they are therapeutic.)

I didn't think I was all that small, until other people made comments about my appearance.  I've been described as a little powerhouse and as tiny.  The most recent comment (which cracked me up) was when someone was trying to describe her colleagues as "no offense, skinny white girls."  I couldn't figure out why I'd take offense - there's no denying that I'm white and I'm flattered to be considered skinny!  It did help to reset my mental image of myself, which tends to get distorted depending on how I'm feeling emotionally.

I didn't think I drank a lot, until I generated approximately 3 times the average amount during both of my 24-hour collections.  On top of that, I was categorized as a "high-volume patient" by one of the labs.  And it's not just that I drink a lot of fluids but that I genuinely feel thirsty when I'm not drinking that amount.  Turns out this has been a pattern for a while.  My mother-in-law said that over the past 20 years (or near enough), she's always noticed that I tend to drink more than others.  Go figure!

There's plenty of other things that I tend to lose track of from time to time.  I don't always remember when I was truly heavy, as opposed to being up a few pounds (like with this weekend).  I don't always remember that my exercise and nutrition programs really are quite strict/intense/demanding, particularly as compared to what the general population does.  And I don't always remember just how fortunate I am in my life - to be healthy, happy, secure, stable, educated, employed, loved, challenged, and alive!

(I think I'm doing better with being mindful of how fortunate I am on a day-to-day basis.)

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • 4oz sweet potato
    • Green beans
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Roasted peppers and onions
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  60 minutes on elliptical
  • Level:  Level 1 for 1 minute; Level 4 for 58 minutes; Level 1 for 1 minute
  • Distance:  5.25 miles
  • Max HR: 169
  • Average HR:  151
  • Calories:  725+
Weigh-In:  150.1 / 148.8 (DIGESTION!)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

2011 - Week 20 In Review

This week I've just been one hot mess, to steal the phrase from someone I know.  I can't blame it on Monday, but I think it all started there and proceeded to go downhill.  As I'm fond of saying, I didn't just fall off the wagon, I jumped off and threw myself under the wheels.  But I'm not beating myself up over any of it.  It is what it is.  So here's what was:

Exercise:  What's that?  Okay, I exaggerate, but I didn't get much exercise in this week.  I felt wrecked on Monday and opted for the day off (after putting off exercise for most of the day).  I got a mid-day workout in on Tuesday and a morning workout on Wednesday.  Thursday was avoidance.  Friday was a migraine.  Saturday was supporting my husband at an all-day event.  And today was my regular weight-lifting session with the trainer.  I felt awful in today's session, in part because of how I had been eating (details below) but also because I just hadn't been moving this week.

So a look ahead to the next week:  Monday will have a cardio workout in it.  I'm not nearly as destroyed from lifting today and I'm in a better mood.  Tuesday will either have a morning workout or a mid-day workout.  I have 3.5 hours between appointments so may use that time to run over to the gym.  The deciding factor will be how caught-up I get on my remaining paperwork tomorrow.  Wednesday, I'm thinking I'll opt for a late-night workout while my husband's with the trainer.  I'm at work until 8pm, so the timing should go well with his 9pm session.  Thursday will probably be an off-day, as I'm spending the morning sitting on someone's dissertation committee which makes for a long day.  Friday will be an after-work workout, since I'm in the office 10-6.  Saturday, I haven't quite figured out when I'll doing my exercise but the day's totally up to me because my husband's gone from morning to evening.  Sunday will be the regular weight-lifting session, back to tandem with my husband since his weekend schedule will be returning to normal.  I think it'll be a good week for me, especially after giving myself an off week (unofficially).

Food: I was doing a great job until I bought myself two bags of Werther's Originals hard candies , two bags of Lifesavers mints, and a bag of sugar-free hard candies.  I just took to chomping away on them, like there was a sense of urgency or something.  Each time I walked by the bags on the kitchen counter, I'd take a handful of them (5+) and eat them right away.  Sucking on hard candies?  Savoring them?  What's that?  I didn't even eat two of my meals on Thursday because I ate so many of them!  Friday, I was determined to get back onto eating clean and I did just that.  I also got a migraine, so I didn't eat very much (skipped my first chicken meal after the yogurt made me feel like throwing-up).  Saturday, I had every intention of eating clean.  I packed all my food for the day in my lunch bag and hauled it (and all my fluids) up to Fairhill, MD.  I then proceeded to say "forget that" and eat anything and everything within reach.  It started with a lemon-poppy scone my sister-in-law offered me, then a deviled egg on the food table (better to eat it at the start of the day before it got too warm).  And then it just kept going.  I must admit I was my own worst enemy, as the foods I went for most were my own sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies.  I didn't eat my packed dinner because I was wary after it had been in the sun all day.  So I ate disappointing chicken tenders and macaroni and cheese at a local restaurant.  Today it was back on the wagon and I NEEDED IT!  I literally felt hung-over this morning, both from the long day in the sun and all the garbage I was putting in my stomach.  I set aside time this afternoon for food-prep and felt much better with being back on routine today.

This upcoming week, I think I'm good through Sunday.  No off activities, plenty of good food on hand, and a trip to the grocery store to restock where needed.  Sunday, a friend and I are going to a concert in Baltimore (NKOTBSB - laugh if you must) and I don't know what the timing is going to be like.  I don't generally eat at concerts (before or during).  I figure I'll eat before we drive to the venue and I'll have something in the car so I can eat on the way home.  There's a chance we may be hunting down a Waffle House that night, but I'll just be getting a Diet Coke if that's the case.

Overall: I wasn't on-plan but that's okay.  I kind of look at it as my body's way of telling me that it needed a break.  I was pretty strict with everything for three weeks and needed a cheat in there.  I just didn't plan for it to be such a shut-down with both exercise and food.  I was getting frustrated with how my weight seemed to plateau recently, despite my eating clean and exercising.  I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again - I'm not doing this to reach a particular weight or number on the scale, but it's still annoying when I'm doing everything "right" and there aren't any changes taking place.  I know that's not entirely true, as I did notice some changes in definition and looking more toned, but I wanted to see some changes on the scale too!  (*stomp, stomp, stomp*)  It'll be interesting to see what happens this next week in response to this eating.  Will my weight stagnate at the higher weight, will it go back to where it's been, or will this be a kick to drop lower?  I have no idea, but it'll be interesting to see.  Any which way, I'm happy with what I've been doing, how I'm feeling (except for that "hangover" this morning), and how my clothes are fitting.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Asparagus
    • 4oz sweet potato
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  1 hour total body workout with trainer
  • Calories:  Didn't wear heart rate monitor, so don't know

Weigh-In:  151.9 / 151.7  (Did I mention that I was eating those delicious cookies?)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

If I Had A Magic Wand....

At least from a food perspective!  Did I sabotage myself today?  Perhaps a little.  I had PLENTY of time to exercise this morning, considering that I didn't have to be in the office until 3pm.  What did I do?  Lounge in bed until about 11am, read my book, and work on a couple of scrapbook pages.  I even told myself that I'd get on the elliptical by 1pm, and the proceeded to watch time roll on by until - OH MY GOSH! - it was time to leave for work.

While I was puttering around the house, procrastinating and avoiding, I chomped away on Werther's Originals candies and a bunch of Lifesavers mints.  Yum!  Why?  Well, I was kicking myself for buying these hard candies at the grocery store and decided to stop chomping on them.  The best way?  Chomp on them in excess until they're gone, obviously!  And I ate so many of them that I upset my stomach!

So I took the unopened bag of Werther's to the office with the intention of leaving them in the kitchen for others to eat.  The implementation?  The candies made it to my desk drawer where I proceeded to chomp on them throughout the day and ultimately finish the bag.  By that point, my stomach was quite gassy and I was feeling uncomfortable and bloated.  My solution?  Eat some of the sugar cookies that I had brought into the office the day before.  Isn't that precisely what any medical professional would recommend for an upset stomach?  Oh, I forgot that the AMA also encourages variety, so when I got home I had an additional peanut butter cookie and a brownie so that my cheating was rounded out.

I spent the evening thankful that there was no one standing down-wind from me.  My stomach gurgled and made a lot of noises, basically letting me know that I had not done a good job of taking care of it today.  Maybe it was a case of the "fuck-its" today, but it was my first cheat in nearly three weeks (I think).  I'll admit that I've been frustrated lately watching the scale hover in the 146 range, despite my exercising and eating clean.  If my weight's going to stay up a bit, why not have it be because of eating poorly?  At least then I can attribute it to something.  (And that's ignoring the fact that I'm seeing other gains/changes in my body and that I was feeling more trim yesterday.)  So, over the course of the day, I made choices that made me feel bad (physically) and then feel worse (physically), without really making me feel any better (emotionally).  Not that I was feeling bad about anything, but I think I was starting to feel a little emotionally run-down or tired.  So I gave myself the unrestricted cheating with no guilt/baggage/repercussions, took the day off from exercising, and allowed for some lounging and scrapbooking.  I'll be back to eating clean tomorrow, will strive to keep it clean on Saturday, and possibly allow myself another sanctioned cheat that day depending on where events take me.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% plain Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Cheats in the Middle:
    • A LOT of Lifesavers mint
    • A LOT of Werther's Originals
    • 6 sugar cookies
    • 1 peanut butter cookie
    • 1 brownie
Exercise: None!  (I was lazy and unmotivated, opting to do some scrapbooking instead)

Weigh-In:  146.6 / 146.5

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Cost of Health and Fitness

This evening I came home to the bill from my appointment with the first nutritionist.  Remember that appointment?  How I was told to consume less protein and add mayonnaise to my diet?  How my complex carbs were being replaced with processed "diet bread" and a snack of 1/2 a graham cracker?  Yeah, that hour of my life that left me crying, angry, frustrated, upset, and feeling hopeless about finding a diet that would work for me.  $340 for the privilege!  I'm fortunate that the majority of it is covered by my insurance plan, but seriously?  That's more than I charge for an hour of my professional time and I'd like to think that an appointment with me isn't nearly as traumatizing or distressing!

Receiving this bill and seeing a monetary amount attached to the appointment got me thinking about the price of pursuing a healthy/fit lifestyle.  I've touched on element of this before, like in my post The Cost of Healthy Eating. Obviously, there's more to being healthy and fit than grocery shopping.  But it can all be quite expensive.  While not requiring money, it certainly is easier to spend money on aspects of health/nutrition than to invest the time and energy on an equivalent but less-expensive plan.  I'm thinking of the suggestions I've seen in various magazines that are along the lines of using soup cans as weights (which only get so heavy), going to the local track and doing laps or running up and down the bleachers (which necessitates finding a track and getting over to it), or even following the workout routines outlined in magazines (that look good and easy to do but are often difficult to implement on your own, especially if you're unsure of how to use the equipment or what your body is capable of).

Gym memberships can be quite pricey.  While going to the gym isn't required for being fit, it certainly makes it easier.  Home exercise equipment is also expensive and offers less variety than you'd find at the gym.  An exercise DVD can help, but a single DVD is rarely (if ever) sufficient for a comprehensive workout.  Then there are the add-ons that aren't necessary but can certainly be beneficial.  Many would put sessions with a personal trainer in this category (where I would put it under the more essential category, but that's more a function of how I train).  Supplements and protein powders to augment a nutritional plan.  Maybe appointments with a nutritionist for some (but not for me at this time) or working with a therapist.  Nutritional programs like Weight Watchers could go in the essential or add-on category depending on the person.

I haven't done the math but, not including groceries, my husband and I easily spend $6000 a year.  And that's not including my addiction to cute workout clothes!

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% honey Stonyfield Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
Exercise:  (I hadn't planned for a workout, but had a last minute cancellation so was able to get some cardio in before going into the office.  I dawdled a bit, which is why it was only 50 minutes instead of the full 60.)
  • Time:  50 minutes on elliptical
  • Level:  Level 1 for 1 minute; Level 4 for 48 minutes; Level 1 for 1 minute
  • Calories:  600+
Weigh-In:  146.4 / 146.1

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


When at the gym, it's recommended to be aware of your surroundings.  I made it to the gym today when I had a 3-hour window between appointments.  Before I started my workout, I was on the phone with someone.  I did my best to stay to the side of the gym, by the stairs, until I was able to wrap-up the call.  I didn't take the phone onto the elliptical with me because I didn't want my talking away to disrupt anyone's workout.

Now, while I was on the elliptical, I did engage in my people watching.  I noticed someone who was on the treadmill for a little bit and then on the stairmill for a bit.  I noticed her because her pace was so SLOW - she had a quicker pace walking across to the treadmill than she had on the treadmill.  Then her pace on the stairmill was slow enough that she had both feet on each step in between her steps (does that make sense).  So she then moved over to the elliptical right next to me.  Initially I was curious as to if her pace would be quick enough to keep the machine turned on (yeah, I can be snarky like that), but then it hit me - HER PERFUME!  

I had to breathe through my mouth so as to not be overwhelmed by it.  I only had 12 minutes left on the machine, so I didn't want to "give in" and move to another machine.  Fortunately, it didn't last long because she left her elliptical after a little bit.  I was so grateful to get the breath of sweaty, stinky, gym air!

Other things to be aware of would include:
- People waiting to use equipment (yes, I've seen people lounging, reading, or texting on machines)
- Returning equipment to its original setting or location
- Wiping down machines after using them
- Taking your towel with you as you go
- Shared workout space, especially in tight quarters
- Gum and gum wrappers
- Spilled water, etc from water bottles
- Headset volume

I'm not perfect and I'm sure my conduct at the gym has annoyed others at some point or another.  I don't advocate "gym police" and certainly don't want people to feel as though they're being scrutinized (little contradiction there, I know, given that I admit to people-watching).  Instead, I think it's important for people to be thoughtful and considerate of others.  The gym is a shared space where everyone there is pretty much working toward similar goals.  While we're not working out together, we can work together to create/maintain an environment that fosters reaching these goals.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% honey Stonyfield Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  80 minutes (60 on elliptical, 20 on treadmill)
  • Calories:  850+
Weigh-In:  146.6 / 146.2

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gimme A Break!

I did plan to exercise today, honestly I did.  I even went as far as to put on my workout clothes.  But .... I wound up deciding to take the day off.  I am really sore after yesterday's weight lifting session with the trainer.  If I'd gotten my act together earlier in the day, I'm guessing I could have rallied and made myself push through a cardio session.  Instead, I opted for a day of recovery.
It's tough to find that balance between pushing myself and caring for myself.  If I let myself, I could easily take a week off from exercising.  There's plenty of other stuff I could do that would fill the time.  I'd also start to feel sluggish, low-energy, and antsy (a contradiction but true).  On the flip-side, I could push myself to exercise everyday but I would burnout and my body would start to fail under me.
My weekly goal is to exercise six days a week, though I'm not always capable of doing this.  And I can't always anticipate when I'll be up for exercising and when I won't.  Mondays are usually my day off from work, though things manage to creep in here and there.  On top of that, I'm generally quite sore from my training sessions.  I've been thinking about shifting my work schedule so that I could get a workout in on Wednesdays more easily - maybe not immediately, but I think I could make something work.  I'm not going to rule out exercising on Mondays, but I'd like to have the flexibility of not working out if I'm not up to it.
What did I do while I was avoiding and procrastinating my exercise today?  I gave a talk at a local retirement community in the afternoon.  I drove my husband to and from the tire store because we were getting new tires for his car.  I baked cookies, both for Wednesday's work meeting and Saturday's event.  (I didn't even taste the batter - GO ME!)  I did a scrapbook page using some new supplies that were delivered today.  (How could I resist?)  And I think that's just about it.
Now, to get to bed so I have a better chance of waking up with enough time for tomorrow's cardio....

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Pole beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Pole beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
Exercise: None

Weigh-In:  145.1 / 145.0

Sunday, May 15, 2011

2011 - Week 19 In Review

Before I begin, a quick disclaimer:  I'm sore, I'm tired, and I'm cranky.  I'm easily annoyed and complaining about the most minute things.  That being said, I can't complain about the week.  I made everything work and I stayed on plan.  I'm just feeling a little irritable right now, so my perky outlook is currently unavailable.  I had planned on baking some cookies today (work on Wednesday and event on Saturday) but was not in the mood to do it.  I knew that if those cookies were in front of me, they'd ALL end up in my belly.  So I'll consider baking tomorrow, assuming I'm in a better state of mind.

Exercise:  I got 5 of 6 days of exercise in this week, despite my planning to get all 6 in.  I had scheduled things so I could get another workout in on Thursday night, but life didn't want to cooperate with me.  Some stressful things hit at the office.  So, despite leaving the office early enough that I could have exercised, I just didn't have the energy or the mental resources to deal with it.  To compensate, I did extra cardio on Friday and Saturday.  LITTLE DID I KNOW ... that my session with the trainer today would be a solo session.  UGH!  I was low-energy and he was taking no prisoners, so I really got my money's worth with today's session.  (See, I'm being optimistic!)  Damn, am I sore right now.  

For this week, Monday and Tuesday are a go.  Wednesday is off because I'm at work from 10-9.  Thursday is a go, with my day now starting a bit later.  Friday is also going to work, and I keep meaning to get to the pool so I may try to do it then.  Saturday is up in the air, as I'm accompanying my husband to a Games that day.  Depending on when we have to get on the road, I suppose I could wake-up and exercise before we leave but I think it's rather unlikely.  So I can do extra on other days.  Something I had thought about for this week was to do some extra cardio after my training session, since I'll be going sans hubby.  I didn't feel the need to do that given today's workout, but I may consider it next week if necessary.

Food:  Another week of keeping it clean is under my belt.  Nothing really new going on there, just more of the same.  I did start adding some minced garlic to my rice today (after weighing it out, because I don't want those little bits of garlic to be cheating me out of my well-deserved grains of rice!).  I kept it clean at my husband's event yesterday, which I'm feeling good about.  At the event itself, there really wasn't a temptation with any of the food available.  I was happy to have my Greek yogurt and beverages.  Afterward, people went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner.  I brought in my tupperware of chicken, rice, and green beans.  I steered clear of the chips and salsa.  When the waiter came by, I had my Diet Coke and told him I was splitting an entree with my husband.  (He ordered some seafood dish just to ensure I wouldn't be nibbling anything off his plate.)  Once everyone got served, I slid the chicken and rice onto a small side plate and covered it with salsa so it would look more like something served in the restaurant.  I then left for home and ate the green beans while driving.  The only struggle was with my getting hungry and not being able to whip-out my food on demand.

For the upcoming week, I'll try to be on-plan again.  This time, Saturday will be at an all-day event with my husband.  I'll bag all my meals for the day, including extra beverages.  We'll be outside, so I want to make sure I can stay hydrated.  As with this week, dinner will probably be at a restaurant with friends.  I'll have my food on me, but may opt for a cheat meal.  I'll play it by ear and see how I'm feeling at the time.  I won't have my own car, so I'll pace myself based on how the evening seems to be going.  And still no honey Chobani Greek yogurt!

Overall:  Life is good.  (Can I say that without violating any copyright?)  I'm continuing to feel good about my efforts and where they're taking me.  I'm enjoying my food and finding ways to keep it yummy.  (I am in the market for a new lunch bag/cooler that's large enough to hold all my food, if anyone has any suggestions).  I've got some good things on Tivo to keep me entertained while on the elliptical and a new audiobook for the stairmill.  Of course, not EVERYTHING in my life is going perfectly because that's just how life goes.  I've got a good amount of paperwork sitting around waiting for me.  Tomorrow is a trip to the dentist so I can get some cavities filled - JOY!  But, in the grand scheme of things, I've got to say that life really is good.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Pole beans (not quite sure what they are, other than flat green beans)
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Pole beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  1 hour total body workout with trainer (SOLO)
  • Calories: 450+

Weigh-In:  144.5 / 143.8

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Location, Location, Location

This week, I've been going to the gym to get my cardio in.  In fact, I haven't used the elliptical at home since last week.  One of the main reasons for this is to introduce some variety into my workout so that I can continue to stay committed with my fitness efforts.  Another element is the accountability of going somewhere else to exercise, where if I were to come home I'd be much more likely to get distracted by other activities (not to mention the couch).

When I go into the gym, I'm quite particular about which machines I prefer to use.  There is the main bank of stairmills at my gym, which I opt to NOT use.  Why is that?  There are a few reasons.  First of all, here's the view of those machines from the lobby of the gym:

Yup, that's the view of the stairmills, and all the backsides of the people on them.  Upstairs, from the back half of the cardio floor, if you're looking at the TVs you're also looking at this view.  Now I'm not judging anyone else, but more talking about my own level of comfort - I'd rather not be offering that view to others.

Second reason:  When I took this picture, my back was up against the cafe.  The smells from the cafe waft through the lobby and up to the stairmills.  Of everywhere I've done cardio in the gym, on those machines is the only place where the smells seem to reach.  The smell is quite delicious and not disagreeable by itself, but quite distracting when trying to exercise and not think about food.

So if I'm on the stairmill, I choose one of the machines to the back of the cardio floor and off to the side.  Why?  There's not the same "display" because of being blocked by other machines or pillars.  There's no olfactory temptations.  And....

Third reason:  I get a better view of the entire floor of the gym - cardio and weights.  This keeps me distracted and entertained while plodding away and listening to my audiobook.  I do enjoy a little people-watching while at the gym.  I like to see what people are wearing - ideas for what I could try the next time I'm shopping for new gym clothes.  I like to see the types of exercises people are doing and how I could maybe incorporate them into my own workouts.  I also find motivation by watching others challenge themselves.

And, I'll admit it, I just like to people-watch.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  75 minutes (60 on elliptical, 15 on treadmill)
  • Calories:  800+
Weigh-In:  144.7 / 144.1

Friday, May 13, 2011

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Don't always believe what you see.  One day at the gym, I was walking on the treadmill, dressed head-to-toe in black, head down, earbuds in my ears.  My trainer said I looked like a total bad-ass, quite intimidating.  I then handed him my iPod (to hold onto while we worked out) and he saw that I'd been listening to "Baby Got Back" while on the treadmill.  Yeah, he laughed at me.  How bad-ass can you be while listening to Sir Mix-A-Lot?

What other assumptions are made just on someone's appearance?  Is someone who's heavy unhealthier?  Is someone who's skinny more fit?  Of course not!  There are so many other factors that come into play.  Just because someone carries around more weight doesn't necessarily mean that he/she lacks cardiovascular conditioning, strength, or flexibility.  The term "skinny fat" reflects the fact that someone can be skinny and unhealthy at the same time.

Tied into this, someone who seems to know what they're doing at the gym may actually be clueless.  Someone who comes across as being very confident may actually be quite insecure and unsure.  I don't generally worry about how I look when I'm at the gym.  I know what I'm doing and what I want to get done while I'm there.  I'm not there to impress anyone, though I won't complain if others are impressed.  I try to not read too much into my observations of others and I don't want to change what I do because of how they might be perceived by others.  

So bring on Sir Mix-A-Lot, Britney, and New Kids!

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 2% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  75 minutes (60 on stairmill, 15 on treadmill)
  • Calories:  775+
Weigh-In:  145.4 / 145.1

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Late-Night Workouts

Last night I couldn't bring myself to exercise when I got home at 8:45.  I was just too wiped out.  Tonight, I set the stage for a late-night workout and made it work for me.  My husband had a session scheduled with the trainer for 9pm.  I finished with my last appointment at 8pm, had my 4th meal (sans green beans because I really wasn't hungry for them) and got on the road to the gym.  I arrived just before 9pm, so I was able to time my cardio session to coincide with my husbands weight-lifting session. 

What do I like about late-night workouts?  I definitely felt like I had more energy, probably because I had eaten something.  I didn't feel rushed because of needing to leave for work on-time.  I showered in the evening so I don't need to shower tomorrow morning (possible extra sleeping?).  And the super-hot shower was a great way to unwind for the day, followed by comfy clean pajamas.

What do I dislike about late-night workouts?  We didn't get home from the gym until nearly 10:45.  So, after my shower, I still had dinner to prepare.  I didn't sit down to eat until after 11, and I didn't eat with my husband (who was showering at the time).  I then wasn't quite ready for my yogurt, which I ate just after 11:30.  So the biggest (and really only) drawback is eating later.  Related to this, I think it gives me a higher weigh-in the next day, if only because I haven't had the chance to fully or properly digest my food from the evening.  Also, it leaves me feeling a little rushed, kind of a contradiction to the hot shower.  So I didn't really have any time at home this evening besides getting clean and feeding my face.  In a couple of minutes, I'll throw the last of the dishes into the dishwasher and head up to bed.  I'm pretty fortunate that the workout doesn't leave me wired all night and unable to sleep.

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 2% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Time:  70 minutes (30 on stairmill, 40 on treadmill)
  • Calories:  750+
Weigh-In:  146.4 / 146.2

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Silly Survey

 I was searching for possible survey questions for a project at work and came across these questions.  So I thought I'd amuse myself and turn it into today's blog post.

1. What's the last mistake you made?
Umm, I really can't think of one.  Not saying that I'm perfect but that there's nothing that stands out.

2. Is the sun shining?
Nope, it's after 11pm.

3. Can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon?

4. Do you like text messaging?
Sometimes.  I use it and it has it's place in communication.  I do like it for when I'd rather not talk to someone but want to get a message through to them.

5. What do you eat the most at your best friends house?
Yes, please.  If it's a planned cheat, I definitely indulge in her cooking and everything she makes is delicious!

7. Are you wearing any make-up right now?

8. What are your plans for later?
Yogurt and bed.

9. What is your favorite DDR song?
Don't have a favorite DDR song.  And I'm not familiar enough with Just Dance or Dance Central.

10. Is there any drama within your life?
I'm sure there is, but it's all relatively low key.

11. What is a song they need to stop playing on the radio?
I don't listen to the radio.  When there's music playing, it's Pandora or my iTunes shuffle.  I don't know if the radio is playing that "Friday" song, but I only heard it once and it left me hating the day.

12. Are you happy with life right now?
Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm content to leave it as it.  There's always chance for growth.

13. Does anyone like you?
I hope my husband does!

14. What is your current obsession?

15. Do you have a dog?
No, but I'd love to have one if we could make it work with our schedules.

16. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?

17. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Yes, and I do often.

18. Ever pulled your pants down in the street?
Not in the street....

19. Do your toenails have nail polish on them?
Yes - I'm working to give myself a pedicure every other week with the summer.

20. When's the last time you wore eyeliner?

21. Last curse word you said was?
Ummm.... I may have dropped an F-Bomb in the kitchen a few minutes ago.

22. Are your lips chapped?
Sadly, yes.

23. Are you currently jealous?
Don't think so.

24. Do you own an ipod?
Gave it to my mom when I got an iPhone.

25. Did you have a dream last night?
Yes.  My husband asks that I don't share my dreams because they're surreal enough and bother him.

26. Are you mad at anyone?

27. Who is the loudest person you know?
One of my friends from college.  I swear I can hear her all the way from San Diego without the benefit of the phone!

28. What's going on this weekend?
Husband's festival event, sister-in-law's birthday, and session with the trainer.

29. Done any spring cleaning lately?
This past weekend!

30. Anything bothering you?
Nothing in particular.

31. Do you do cheerleading?
Nope.  I was on the top of the bleachers bouncing around with my friends because I was too insecure and unsure of myself to try out.

32. Did you wish for anything last night on 11:11?
Didn't even notice when the minute passed.

33. Do you drink coffee on a regular basis?
Not a coffee drinker, but I consume enough tea to make my back teeth float!

34. Do you wish you were someone else?

35. What jewelry are you wearing?
Necklace, wedding band and engagement ring, class ring, 5 earrings

36. Funniest thing that happened last night?
Explaining to my mom that it actually made sense to get a massage at 9pm.

38. Are you easily amused?
Oh yeah!

39. Can you lick your elbow?
No, but I did try again just to make sure

40. Do you know this song, "we stay fly no lie you know this"?
Don't think so, should I?

Food Log:
  • Meal 1: 
    • 3 egg whites
    • 30g dry cream of rice (cooked in water)
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 2: 
    • 0% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • Meal 3: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
  • Meal 4: 
    • 3 oz chicken
    • Green beans
    • 1/2c cooked rice
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Meal 5: 
    • 2% flavored Chobani Greek Yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
Exercise:  None - I've been REALLY tired and just couldn't rally myself when I got home at 8:45

Weigh-In:  146.2 / 145.6