Saturday, February 5, 2011

2011 - Week 5 In Review

I've decided to change-up the weekly review a bit.  I can comment on my weight, but there's nothing I can do to specifically target or change it.  Fluctuations in my weight are the result of my exercise and food-intake.  So it makes more sense for me to focus on those aspects of the week.  Instead of predictions, I think I'd like to emphasize goals for the up-coming week.  The word "prediction" has more of a passive feel to it, like I'm guessing what will happen without being able to influence the course of events myself - almost like Al Roker predicting the weather.  But I have control over my choices and I have some say as to the direction my week takes.  So I'm going to identify goals that I aim to undertake in the up-coming week.  They may be as simple as "stay on track" with nothing more to be said, or they may incorporate specific details that I'd like to tweek.  With that being said, here's my take on Week 5:
  • Exercise
    • Days of Exercise: 6
    • The one day off was a planned skip.
    • Stayed on target with calories burned.
    • Review: I'm proud of my getting all my workouts in, given the longer schedule on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I was fortunate in that I had some cancellations at work.  Because of that, I was able to leave work a bit earlier on Tuesday and go in a bit later on Wednesday.  That gave me the flexibility to get those cardio sessions in there.  I tried the Zumba class on Friday evening and didn't really enjoy it.  Some of it was the instructor, but it was also the intensity (or lack there of).  I knew I could accomplish more and feel like I was doing more by getting onto one of the cardio machines.  My heart rate wasn't getting elevated and I couldn't find a way to really challenge myself in the class.
    • Goals:  I'd like to get into the gym at least once to do something other than the elliptical for my cardio.  On the elliptical at home, I'd like to bring up the intensity a little bit.  I'm thinking of keeping it at Level 4 most of the time but introducing a few spurts at Level 5.  I think that will help with my conditioning.
  • Eating
    • Days of Clean Eating: 7
    • Review: This week has been tough for me with food.  I've eaten clean and not struggled in that regard.  It's more been sorting out the lower protein as recommended by the kidney specialist.  I was able to do it for three days (Wednesday through Friday) just by cutting back on the protein.  But that also meant that my caloric intake overall was reduced.  So I was feeling more cranky and irritable and less energetic.  I found myself feeling more pessimistic and negative about the situation, even though I am fairly certain that there's no real concerns about my kidney functioning and that any dietary changes aren't going to result in my re-gaining 50lbs.  Last night, my trainer e-mailed me his proposed "kidney friendly" meal plan.  I hit the grocery store and started following it today.
    • Success:  I baked 2 batches of cookies today and was again able to refrain from snacking on them during and after the baking.  I've got a fair number of them tucked away in the freezer, so I'll be sure to sample them when I pull them out for our party at the end of the month.
    • Goals:  My big goal for this week is to implement the lower protein meal plan.  The proposed plan is as follows:
      • Meal 1: 
        • 40g oatmeal OR a slice of whole wheat toast (w/ small serving butter) (5g protein)
        • 2 egg whites (roughly 14g protein), mix in veggies or salsa as desired for fullness and flavor
      • Meal 2: 
        • 1oz almonds (6g protein)
        • 1 piece of fruit
        • 1 piece of string cheese (8g protein)
      • Meal 3:
        • Large green salad (spinach/romaine/kale), mix in veggies as desire (peppers, onions, tomatoes, carrots-- but make it BIG)
        • Low-fat salad dressing (like Newman's) (should be 1g protein max)
        • 3oz chicken mixed into salad (18g protein)
        • (If I'm still hungry at this meal or throughout day, I can add in a small sweet potato (4oz) or rice serving; but the aim is to go really big with the veggies, make it a "meal")
      • Meal 4: 
        • Veggies (salad or just green veggies-- broccoli, green beans, etc.) - I CAN'T believe he suggested I eat broccoli.  Does he not know me at all?  EWWWW!!!
        • 3oz of chicken, beef, or ground turkey) (18g protein)
        • 3/4c rice (brown, white, your choice) (3g protein)
        • 1tbsp peanut butter for dessert (4g)
    • Goals (Cont) - There's going to be more effort in the food preparation, but I think I can do some veggie chopping in advance.  I'll also have the incentive to eat up the veggies before they go bad in the back of the fridge (something I've struggled with historically).  Sticking with this plan should keep me at around 80g of protein a day.  With implementing this plan, I want to make sure I'm staying it touch with my body and giving it the energy it needs.  Making time for those meals in the middle of the day is going to be a bit of a push for me.
  • Overall
    • I continue to be pleased with how things are going.  I think I can have some fun with preparing dinners, like homemade chicken fried rice.  I'll have to set aside some time in the evenings to prepare my salads (both for dinner and lunch the next day), but that can be a time for "me" rather than a chore or obligation.  (Cognitive Reframing here - don't mess with me!)  It will be interesting to see how this "kidney friendly" menu influences my weight.  I don't know if my weight will go up or down as a result.  I was wondering if I wasn't getting sufficient calories and that my weight loss was slowing because of my body going into starvation mode.  And I don't know what the impact of the  complex carbs may  be.  I guess I'll see what happens over the next 2 months....
    • I want to find some new ways that I can reward my efforts.  One thought was to increase my massages to 90 minutes when I break 140 and then to 120 minutes when I reach 136.  I'm not sure I want the pressure of it being tied to a specific weight number, but I do think there's a huge benefit to the longer massages.  Maybe adding in an additional (3rd) massage during the month for any rewards below 140.  I just know that my muscles need the extra time - 60 minutes isn't enough to really work things out.  Though I have taken to laying on a heating pad at night before/while falling asleep and I think it's helped.  (It has an automatic shut-off, so don't worry!)
  • Weight (No evaluations, just a reporting)
    • Starting Weight: 153.8
    • Last Week's Weight: 143.8
    • Today's Weight: 142.2
    • Weight Loss (This Week):  1.6
    • Weight Loss (Total 2011): 11.6
Food Log:
  • Meal 1
    • 2 egg whites with red pepper, onion, and salsa (14g)
    • 40g oatmeal with cinnamon, vanilla, and a bit of splenda (5g)
  • Meal 2
    • Apple
    • Light string cheese (8g)
    • 1oz almonds (6g)
  • Meal 3 
    • BIG salad
    • 3oz chicken (18g)
  • Meal 4
    • BIG salad
    • 3oz chicken (18g)
    • 3/4cup (or 102g) brown rice (3g)
    • Tablespoon of peanut butter (4g)
Protein Intake for the Day:  76g (not including trace amounts in the fruits and veggies)
  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Level:  Level 1 for 1 minute, Level 4 for 26.5 minutes, Level 5 for 5 minutes, Level 4 for 26.5 minutes, Level 1 for 1 minute (thought I'd try Level 5, considering my goal for next week)
  • Calories:  625+
  • Distance: 5 miles
Today's Weigh-In: 142.2

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