Sunday, February 27, 2011

Seeking Inspiration

Ever since I was a little kid, I would look up to others and aspire to be more like them.  For the most part, I identified with good role models.  These may be family members, teachers, older peers, co-workers and supervisors, athletes and people in the media, or even characters in books and movies.  Yes, there are some "pretend" people that have functioned as inspirations for me.  (I'll leave it to you to figure out who those are.)

Recently, I've been admiring Dara Torres.  She's definitely more in the media right now, preparing for the 2012 Olympics.  I don't respect her because she's an athlete but because of what she's done as an athlete.  I admire her devotion and dedication to her goals.  I'm amazed by what she can do with her body.  She's not held-back by what someone of a particular age can or "should" do.  Instead she  continues to push and challenge herself.  She makes adaptations as she needs to and takes care of her body so it can keep working for her.  She acknowledges that she's less than perfect and discourages being put up on a pedestal just because she's an accomplished swimmer.  During an interview on CNN, she emphasized how she's as physically fit as she is because she has been able to make it her job.  She spends as much time in the water and working out as most people spend in the office.  Part of her message was that "everyday" people shouldn't compare themselves to her and feel that they're coming up short - they're just not able to invest the same number of hours into fitness as she is.

Because I often take notice of a particular trait, characteristic, or ability that a person exhibits, there's a tendency for me to generalize from that one piece to the entire person.  I don't know much about Dara Torres and I can't speak much about her as a person having never met her.  I'm more likely to attribute positive elements to her because I already see her in a positive light.  I think that's part of human nature, generalizing from the parts to the whole.  When I find myself admiring someone, I try to identify the specific elements that I'm drawn toward.  What is it that I see in them that I'd like to see more of in myself?  What have they accomplished and how have they done it?  Is it possible that I could accomplish the same?  I also want to ensure that I'm not blindly looking up to someone, because there are often elements within those people that I wouldn't wish to emulate.

I look to a role model to inspire me to challenge and better myself.  A role model isn't supposed to make me feel inadequate about myself but to help me see what I can do.  I want to emphasize the positive directions in my life and find people who can help me stay energized to move in that direction.

Food Log:

  • Meal 1
    • 2 egg whites with peppers, onion, and salsa
    • 40g oatmeal
  • Meal 2
    • 3oz chicken
    • salad
    • 2 tablespoons salad dressing
  • Meal 3
    • Apple
    • 1oz almonds
    • Light cheese
  • Meal 4
    • 40g oatmeal
    • Tablespoon peanut butter
  • Time: 1hr total body workout with trainer
  • Calories:  300+
Today's Weigh-In:  144.1

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