Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011 - Week 8 In Review

Week 8 has been more of the same - a regular grind.  I'm trying to get more answers about the kidney situation, but it's leaving me with more questions.  Emotionally, this has been wearing on me.  My brain is great at filling in all the possible "what if" scenarios.  This can chip away at my motivation and my ability to focus on the here-and-now.
  • Exercise
    • Days of Exercise:  5
    • One day off was a planned skip (Wednesday).  One day off was unplanned but very much needed (Friday)
    • Individual workouts were on target with calories burned, but didn't meet weekly goal because of second missed day.
    • Review:  When I did workout, it felt good and I was able to push and challenge myself.  It's just a matter of finding the time for these workouts and having the energy to dedicate to them.  I've had to do some juggling of my schedule, but I've been fortunate enough to make things work.  I felt a little guilty for not getting that 6th workout in on Friday night, even though there was NOTHING to feel guilty about.  I know that it was the best choice for myself to take the evening off.  The world didn't end and I didn't die.
    • Goals: Looking at next week's schedule, I hope to be back on track and to get all 6 workouts in.  I'm hopeful to get a swimming session in at the end of the week and will try to structure my schedule to help make that happen.  I'll also look at doing another strength training session with my husband one evening.
  • Eating
    • Days of Clean Eating: 6
    • Review:  I was clean the whole week.  My only "cheat" was a cookie at last night's potluck dinner, so technically not much of a cheat.  The potluck dinner went well.  We have next to no leftovers in the house, because I sent everyone home with a baggie of cookies and whatever else they wanted to take.  Some of the leftovers will stay in the house for my husband to enjoy, while the rest will go into the office on Tuesday.  I may see if some friends can come over next weekend to help with some of the foods in the freezer that I never got around to preparing.  
    • I had prepared myself to indulge in some yummies this evening, but when I was actually faced with the situation I didn't feel like eating anything available to me.  I did prepare for the evening by having my 3rd meal just before people arrived so that I wouldn't be ravenous during the night.  I continued to drink fluids the entire evening as well.  My husband thinks that there's a stubbornness at play here with my not having a cheat.  Perhaps in part, but I'm also not interested in a lot of the foods that are available to me.
    • Goals:  This week is relatively straight-forward, I believe.  There may be some socializing opportunities next weekend, which I'll deal with as best I can.  I'll allow myself a cheat meal if the situation arises because I think it's something I do need.  I'm just wary about indulging too much because I know there are going to be 2 weekends of cheat meals in March where I won't have my regular "clean eating" food options as readily available.
  • Overall
    • Review:  I'm continuing to feel "less than good" about everything.  I'm not feeling bad, but it's hard to feel good.  I have been making an effort to take care of myself, but I think I need to better figure out what "taking care of myself" actually means.  It doesn't mean putting my head down and bulldozing my way through everything, but it doesn't mean curling up on the couch with chocolates and ice cream either.  I'm not so good with the whole concept of moderation. 
    • Goals:  I think the theme for this week will be stress management.  I have a number of deadlines for work-related projects that really can't be fudged, along with my regular responsibilities.  This will be a good chance to practice the whole concept of moderation.
    • I also want to focus less on the scale.  I do try to emphasize the behaviors, with the number on the scale as a by-product, but it can function as a motivator (or a demoralizer) at times as well.  As you can see below, my weight has fluctuated and crept up since starting the lower-protein diet.  I'm also not confident in the accuracy of my scale, as I can get readings that vary by more than a pound within a 5 minute window.  I know this is an issue with digital scales.  Unfortunately, mechanical/analog scales aren't much better.  I've been thinking about getting a medical scale, but am not sure if I want to invest $150-200 in it or if I want it to dominate the hall bathroom either.  Is the number really that important?
  • Weight
    • Starting Weight: 153.8
    • Last Week's Weight: 143.4
    • Today's Weight: 144.1
    • Weight Loss (This Week): -0.7
    • Weight Loss (Total 2011):  9.7
Food Log:
  • Meal 1
    • 2 egg whites with red pepper, onion, and salsa
    • 40g oatmeal with cinnamon, vanilla, and a bit of Splenda
  • Meal 2
    • 1oz almonds
    • Light cheese
    • Apple
  • Meal 3
    • 3oz chicken
    • Salad
    • 2 tablespoons salad dressing
  • Meal 4
    • 3oz chicken
    • 40g oatmeal
    • Tablespoon of peanut butter 
    • 1 cookie
  • Time: 87 minutes
  • Level:  Level 1 for 1 minute; Level 5 for 85 minutes; Level 1 for 1 minute
  • Calories: 850+
  • Distance: 7.3 miles
Today's Weigh-In: 144.1

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